This is the last week in my parenting plan for this month and so far it has been a really great experiment for me as a Mom. I haven’t been perfect at it, but I have tried really hard. Today at Church one of the speakers talked about how spending time with your children is so much better for them than any other activity (my kids are involved in lots of activities so this really hit home to me). Nothing is more important than taking the time and making the effort to spend quality time with them. I still can improve so much, but I feel like I’ve made an ok head start.
This week we were preparing for a baby shower. I have a friend who adopted a baby with only one day’s notice. She doesn’t have any other kids, so she didn’t have anything prepared for a baby. There were lots of people in our neighborhood who supported her and I’m so glad she got to adopt such a sweet little boy. My kids helped me a lot in shopping and preparing for the baby shower.
My oldest daughter wanted to make her own cookbook because she adores cooking, so she made this cute handwritten book where she copied recipes from my cookbooks. We talked about the recipes and what she would like to make from the recipe book.
We also played many games of Yahtzee on the ipad and Ticket to Ride after the younger kids went to bed. We had lots of laughs and this little girl is competitive. I find it hard to win when I’m playing with her. Maybe she can teach me her moves!
This week my middle child and I spent some time shopping together and having a fabulous time. I spent a lot of time curling her hair and she helped me make apple slices for a road trip. We sent silly emails back and forth and played some games on the computer. She lost a tooth this week so she made an elaborate tooth structure for the tooth fairy to find her tooth in.
My youngest and I have a pretty strong bond. He follows me around everywhere and we pretty much do everything together. I don’t worry too much about not spending enough time with him. We generally read books and talk every day. This week he told me, “I’m in love with you Mommy”. Oh, that just melted my heart! I love that little man.
Like I said earlier, this parenting plan has been a big blessing in my life and has helped me to get my priorities in order. My family is most important to me and I want to find time in my day to show them that.
My plan for the next month will be to watch my tone of voice with my kids especially when I’m stressed out, (which is nearly every day). I won’t be posting for a month because of a family situation, but my thoughts will be on it for sure!
* All parenting advice and information on Positively Mommy is provided for informational purposes only. Unless otherwise noted, the site content is not written by doctors, psychologists, or other health care professionals. The staff at Positively Mommy do not have psychiatric degrees or any other therapeutic training. The majority of our advice is drawn from personal experience and thus represents personal opinion. It is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any reliance on the information Positively Mommy provides is solely at the risk of the user. Positively Mommy does not assume any responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property that may arise from the use of the advice and information Positively Mommy provides.
**All parenting advice and information on Positively Mommy is provided for informational purposes only. Unless otherwise noted, the site content is not written by doctors, psychologists, or other health care professionals. The staff at Positively Mommy do not have psychiatric degrees or any other therapeutic training. The majority of our advice is drawn from personal experience and thus represents personal opinion. It is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any reliance on the information Positively Mommy provides is solely at the risk of the user. Positively Mommy does not assume any responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property that may arise from the use of the advice and information Positively Mommy provides.