This week was the first snow of the season and we had lots of fun making snow angels, shoveling the driveway together, and playing in the snow.
Well, we’re already on month 4, week 2 of the Parenting Plan. I have been working on listening to my kids more this month. I have found when I just try… a little, I get these amazing results that I wasn’t planning on at all. For example, this week I decided to turn off the radio when I pick the kids up at school so I could actually hear what they were saying to me. Guess what happened? The kids became little chatterboxes and started telling me all about their day and what happened at school. They were excited to open up and I was excited to listen. They spend the majority of their day at school and I want their at home (and in the car) time to be one where they are heard and loved unconditionally.
This is so exciting because it used to be the car ride home from school was a highly charged and stressful time for me to wait in line to pick them up for 15 minutes and then have them yelling over the radio so no one could hear each other only to come home and all do our separate things, like homework, practicing, and work. This very small thing has been very powerful to me. I also realized how easy it was for me before to tune out what the kids were saying and just throw in a “uh huh” or “yeah” every now and then. This week I am really trying to hear what they are saying to me and be supportive. I can’t believe I wasn’t doing this before. I am embarrassed that I wasn’t because it’s such a simple thing, but it is what it is and I am doing this parenting plan because I want to be honest with myself about my weaknesses so that I can be better.