Two weeks ago I had the most amazing experience. I gave birth to my fourth child. At home. In the water. With no pain medication. I did it, even though I didn’t think I could! Initially I chose home birth because of the cost. Once I met my midwife, Richelle Jolley, and got more involved …
Category: Pregnancy
Aug 17
While I’m Away…
I am having a baby and will be taking a month or two maternity leave from blogging. I have some posts scheduled during that time, but please excuse any impersonal-ish-ness while I’m away taking care of the baby and myself. I will post photos and the birth story as soon as I can, so stay …
Aug 05
Preterm Labor Contractions & End of Preganancy Adventures
My due date is officially August 17th. Today it is July 31, which makes me 37.5 weeks along now. I had to make it to 36 weeks for my midwife to feel comfortable delivering my baby at home (with a natural birth). Well, that milestone has come and gone, and I’m thinking, “Where is this …
Jul 29
How to Know When You’re in Labor
Here’s me at just about 36 weeks preggo. I’m kind of a pregnancy outlaw. My body doesn’t go about labor and delivery the same way most other women do. I’m ok with that and I’m embracing it. Mostly just because I don’t have a choice and also because, well, my body is wise and it …
Jul 16
Pregnancy Must Haves
This is my 5th pregnancy, and there are some things that I absolutely need to get through pregnancy comfortably. These are my pregnancy must haves. I must say that this pregnancy has been my best, mostly because I’ve been proactive about being healthy and I’ve learned a lot in my previous pregnancies. I’ve learned a …
Jul 12
Pregnancy Bed Rest Causes
At my last midwife appointment, I found out I was already dilated to a 2 and 0% effaced at 33 weeks. Now at 34 weeks I am dilated to a 3 or possibly more and in the neighborhood of 50-80% effaced. I lost my mucus plug and have been having some bloody discharge as well …
Jun 12
What Do I Need for a Home Birth – Home Birth Checklist
I am 30 weeks pregnant! I only have 2 1/2 months left to go and I am feeling really great. I have lots of energy, I sleep well, and I am able to do most things I could do pre-pregnancy. As you can see from the photo, I am carrying the baby quite high and …
May 28
Shortness of Breath Pregnancy Symptoms
I am 28 weeks pregnant and experiencing a lot of shortness of breath pregnancy symptoms. I am a small person, only about 5 foot 3 and I carry my pregnancies high as you can see from the photo! The baby is always up in my ribs and my lungs and stomach get a little compacted …
May 06
Inspiring Pregnancy Books
I love to read. I love to be educated on health and wellness and especially want to be educated on pregnancy and birth, since I do plan a home birth this time around. I find myself having a lot more choices than I have had while having a hospital birth and I want to make educated …
Apr 30
Natural Solutions for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
Ok, it’s TMI time! So this is very embarrassing for me to publicly talk about this, but I hope to help someone else who also struggles with hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This is my 5th pregnancy and first one where I have had chronic hemorrhoids that won’t go away. Early in my pregnancy, I had pretty …