This is me on the treadmill at the gym! For month 5 of my own personal parenting plan, I have been working on going to the gym 3 times per week so that I have more energy to be present for my kids and more energy to hang out and spend time with them. I …
Tag: parenting plan month 5
Jan 28
Parenting Plan Month 5, Week 3
Hey there! It’s a great day here where I live. We just had a snow storm come through and clear out the nasty nasty air we had been having for the last few weeks. I can breathe again! Well, as you know, each month I have been working on a new parenting goal to help …
Jan 21
Parenting Plan Month 5, Week 3
I can’t believe we are on month 5 of the parenting plan already and so far I feel like I have made so much progress if I look back to the first month. Baby steps are so much easier for me and I have tried to set attainable goals for myself that I can actually …
Jan 15
Parenting Plan Month 5, Week 2
Well, for my parenting plan, this month I’m working on going to the gym 3 or more times a week so I can have more energy to spend some extra quality time with my kids. It’s a New Year’s Resolution of sorts. Last week I went to the gym 4 times. I haven’t found that …
Jan 08
Parenting Plan, Month 5, Week 1
I took it upon myself to have a social media and blogging break while my kids were out of school for Christmas break. It was wonderful and I feel more centered, but it’s also good to be back as I love writing about my experiences as a Mom and I love to keep trying to …